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5 Simple Ways to Encourage Kids to Drink Water

Are you making efforts to encourage your kids to drink enough waterevery day and stay hydrated? Here are a few things you can do to encourage drinking lots of water and making it a habit.

Give Them Access

When you have children at home, you are most likely to have a supply of clean bottled water coming in every week or so. If you wish, you may opt for fresh spring water bottles, too. A lot of moms choose spring water because of the incomparable freshness and goodness. In fact, sometimes, children tend to like it better, too. Check out the internet to find amazing spring water in Narellan that could be delivered to your door.

Consider using good quality dispensers – have them stationed at one or two specific spots in the house. See that they are placed at a good height so your kids can simply help themselves when they are thirsty. You also may have noticed that kids have a strange tendency to feel thirsty when they spot a water dispenser somewhere. Thus, this should do the trick!

Make it Fun

Consider using bendy, funny, coloured straws to make water drinking more fun. Kids would go ahead and drink up just for the fun of it. You might want to hand them a different kind of straw every time, or just keep switching from time to time.

If they aren’t disposable, make sure you keep them clean. Also play around with different kinds of cups and bottles, also in different colours. Let your kids choose their cup or bottle. Let them have their own drinking games or races – anything that encourages them to drink up at the end of the day!

Fruit & Ice Cubes

This is something you could try every once in a while, during Summertime, perhaps. Add a slice of lemon, lime, or orange into their cup of water. Kids are always excited by change, and this should be great to make them drink out of excitement and curiosity. Also consider making ice cubes in different shapes. You could opt for coloured cubes, too. Kids absolutely love this kind of fun stuff. There’s always a chance they would drink loads when little fun elements like this are involved.

Educate Them

Grab an opportunity to have a quick conversation about the benefits of drinking water or what would happen when you are dehydrated. You may come across situations, posters, advertisements, or just random objects or so on the street or while you are grocery shopping that can spark a conversation. Take advantage of these opportunities and coincidences to educate your kids in a subtle manner.

Do Your Part

Parents and elders need to be role models to kids. As you may have repeatedly heard, children follow your actions – they pay more attention to what you do than to what you say. Therefore, you need to practice and show them that you take hydration seriously, and that you do what it takes without fail. This might be the best thing you can do when you want your kids to develop good habits and practices in their lives.