1123 Dog Hill Lane

Wilson, KS 67490

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:30

Online store always open

Benefits of Sending Your Child to a Christ-Centered Daycare

Daycare is a time when your child will spend more time with children in their age group and they will get a better understanding of how to interact with different people. But there are so many different daycare centres to choose from and there will be many factors you can use to evaluate these facilities such as curriculums, learning programmes, inclusivity, location, availability, accreditation etc. Another important factor is deciding whether you want to send your child to a religion oriented daycare where they will be able to develop their spirituality from a young age.

You can find many Christ-centred daycare facilities that create a nurturing environment for your child. These centres for childcare Buderim will have procedures and policies in place to ensure the safety of children. And there will be a welcoming environment where your child can feel at ease and thrive. In addition to being exposed to Christian values at home, now you can have your child exposed to Christian beliefs and values during their daycare as well. These centres will have teachers that understand Christian faith and teach children about concepts such as forgiveness, kindness, compassion and love. There will be many activities where children will be taught to be kind and how this can make the world a better place. Kindness will extend to animals as well. Nature studies or outdoor time can be utilised to show children how to appreciate nature; they will understand to value life, even that of the smallest insect.

Children will also learn about the importance of faith in their life.

They will be introduced to prayer and there will be many opportunities provided to nurture their spirituality through teachings, Bible stories and daily devotions. The children will learn about their faith in a nurturing environment. There will also be a sense of community in many faith based daycare facilities as there will be other children and teachers that share the same faith. This will help create a sense of belonging. Children can be further encouraged to take part in community activities such as volunteering so that they can see how faith can help people.

When you send your child to a Christ-centred daycare,

You can be sure that they will be exposed to consistent values in both the daycare and at home. There will be many opportunities for the child to practice their faith no matter where they are. Also, education is prioritised under Christ-centred daycare so that children understand academics in a way that aligns with their values. The well-being of the child will be given an important place and the daycare will focus on the social, spiritual, emotional and physical development of the child. Children will be taught and encouraged to love and respect each other. They will learn heavy ways to express themselves and this can be a foundation where they can develop positive relationships. The holistic educational approach taken by Christ-centred daycare facilities will integrate learning, service and faith so that children have a sense of purpose from a young age.