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How School Can Create an Appreciation for Nature in Students

We are living in a world dependent on technology and not many children experience nature or understand the beauty of it because our lives have become separate from it. Even though we are living in nature, we have become deaf and blind to its beauty. But appreciation towards nature is something that you can help your child learn from a young age. And you can also select schools that have outdoor education programmes to achieve this.

Many co-ed private schools Brisbane focus on outdoor education as well because there are so many skills that children can learn which may otherwise be difficult to grasp in a classroom based education. Schools can provide outdoor learning environments to children so that they are able to spend more time in them. There can be outdoor classrooms, gardens and nature trails that they can experience. Parents usually go on a tour of the schools before they choose the right school for their child. And some of the factors they consider are class size, school community, quality of facilities, qualifications of educators and extra-curricular activities. But the quality of outdoor education and how the environment is blended with school architecture is another factor to consider. Think about what your child sees when they walk around the school or look outside their classroom. Do they have natural light in the classroom and do they have opportunities to interact with nature more often?

Schools can incorporate nature

Into their curriculum by teaching children about environmental conservation, ecosystems etc. And many of these lessons can take place outside which gives the child a different perspective. Consider enrolling your child in a school that provides outdoor education which allows children to have hands-on experiences. There is so much complexity to nature and these activities can help children understand that there is more than what meets the eye when it comes to nature. And children are curious by nature, therefore, learning this will help them become more curious about where they live in, ultimately developing a deep sense of appreciation towards nature. There should be many environmental service projects organised by the school such as habitat restoration projects, planting trees and cleaning up the environment whether within the school or in the community. Participating in these activities will help children develop a sense of responsibility towards the environment.

You can also incorporate technology into outdoor learning.

There are many natural habitats the children will not be able to experience in their location but virtual reality is a great tool that can help open their eyes to the diversity of nature. They can learn about the different facets of nature and how the wider world differs from what they see on a daily basis. And schools can provide opportunities for unstructured play in natural environments for the students. Certain subjects can be taught outside such as art. Children can learn how to use natural materials in their art projects. There can also be nature photography that allows them to observe nature through their perspective.